Friday, 30 November 2012

Zig Ziglar Died: He Will Still Help Me Homeschool

Do you listen to motivational speakers?

Who is your favorite motivational speaker?

Can I Help My Son Succeed Before He Fails?

Through the years I, like many parents, have paid close attention to what is presented to my children within the school system.

Respect, integrity, honesty, dedication, self esteem are all important qualities in my opinion.

My son was born with strong will and determination that quickly demonstrated his character. As he was starting to learn how to communicate his frustration was in getting his determined point across.

Early in childhood his leadership qualities became evident. When he came to me last year asking to be taken out of the school system and be home schooled, I knew he was ready. I knew that since it was his idea, his choice that we would succeed. When ever Samuel decided to do something or that he wanted something he made it happen.

I have always tried to enhance his strengths. For that reason we worked on leading in a positive effective way from a very young age. He was quite receptive to it especially because I didn't let on that I was teaching him. I hope he isn't going to read this...

Another reason I engaged in extra communication and positive leadership is he was the focus of bullying frequently. My angle was to provide him with a skill set to deal with it in a positive manner as well as build his self esteem so that he believed in himself.

As we started our homeschool mission I presented him with leaders that I wanted us to study. He came back to me a few months later with some Zig Ziglar quotes. He told me what they meant to him. Samuel found the simplicity and nuts and bolts advice of Zig Ziglar resonated with him. It made sense.

A new chapter was started!

Zig Ziglar has affected many people in his presentations and books. He Encourages others to believe in themselves.

He was a relentless purveyor of hope and a merchant of methods to turn hope from aspiration to reality

Zig Ziglar has died

Zig Ziglar will continue to be present in our homeschooling

Zig Ziglar's words will still be advice that will help people turn failure towards success

It is my hope that many people take action with motivation learned from people like Zig Ziglar.

It is my hope that my son continues to believe in himself. I hope that he always knows that he is amazing.

If you do listen to motivational you take action on what you learn?

If you have a favorite motivational it Zig Ziglar?

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Business Mindset

I recently updated a post that I wrote about business mindset...

     titled Proper Mindset For Building a  Network Marketing Business. When I discuss mindset in articles and posts I direct towards personal or business. Realistically mindset is just as important in both. To succeed in business and life our mindset either opens or closes the door. Our mindset is one the most significant determining factors affecting the path to success. It can smooth or roughen the path.

A positive mindset is powerful. 

Although, just being positive is not enough. There are a few other values that need to be in place.

  • knowledge
  • focus
  • team building
  • product knowledge
  • planning
  • passion
  • networking
  • choices

The list above are the topics that I provided more detail about in the Proper Mindset For Building a Network Marketing Business post. There is a reason for those titles...let me see if I can mingle some words together to make my point. Bare with me as writing is NOT one of my strengths, communication is :)

Here goes:

Knowledge is an asset with unlimited value. Increasing our knowledge improves our personal value. By improving our personal value we improve the chances of people choosing to be around us, join us, admire us and the list goes on. Essentially the phrase knowledge is power is true. We become magnetic when we have value to offer in life and business.

Focus is what gets tasks done, missions accomplished and keeps the plan on track. There needs to be focus at the micro level and focus on the whole picture. I am a list maker. I make lists for the day, week, month, year and a master list of big dreams and goals. The lists are my way of keeping focus. Re-evaluating can be done easier if what I am focusing on is documented. Our mind can distort and change our focus easily by attaching emotion. That is my theory behind lists. They create a visual, therefore help maintain intended focus.

Team building can be applied to daily life or business. The team idea is who you surround yourself with. The people you choose to surround yourself with will affect your mindset more than often realised. For discussion purpose again I will refer to my practise.
I can not choose my family, but I can choose what amount I allow my family to affect me. If they are being negative, I have tricks so to speak on not letting it change my mindset. That sentence just gave me an idea for a new article, so I wrote it down. Watch for that's going to be great!
Your friends are a team. Build your team of friends mindful of what kind of influence they will have on you. Surround yourself with like minded people, positive people. I have a few different groups of friends that each have different focuses. For example there is a group of friends that I made through my nursing education, then different ones through my nursing career. I still keep in touch with them although not as much since I have not been able to work for 7 years now. Then there is my team of friends that I have created through soccer. With 2 kids in the sport, managing teams, being on the club board and involved with the coordination of the higher level training club I connect with many people. Those that fit criteria of who I would choose to have on my team I work on building relationships with. The same goes for networking in business. Whether it is people that join my team specifically or people I connect with within the community. I always view it as team building, making a conscious decision of who to build a relationship with. To summarise this long winded point every aspect of our lives we have opportunity to connect with people. Thinking about it in a team building way might help you to consciously decide who is good for you to spend time with.

Product knowledge is important for the same reason as knowledge. I separated the two for the purpose of pointing out the importance of having specific knowledge of the products you are working with or selling. It goes with being able to offer value, being magnetic. Knowing what you are selling, what you are talking about will increase the building of your team. Showing your knowledge of the product builds trust. I found that evident in other aspects of my life as well. In nursing people chose to surround themselves with me because I never stopped learning. I was magnetic in nursing because I was not one of those nurses that just went to work did the job and went home. I was always reading medical (not nursing) text books and journals. If I did not understand a patients diagnosis, I read about it. If a procedure was being done that I had not read about, I read about it. In soccer, the players and parents trusted my judgement because I demonstrated knowledge of what was going on. I would learn about the training that was being offered, the tournament rules etc. Know what you are working with. Your mindset will be directly affected by your knowledge. In business, I like to have a sound knowledge of any product or service that I offer or am involved in. Having product knowledge creates integrity. Be real, if you do not know how to answer a question about a product say so. Then you can either do your research in order to answer their question or direct them to where to find their answer.

Planning is so valuable. If you have planning in your mindset you will be more effective at anything you do. Not every single thing you do requires planning, although success is correlated with planning. When you create a plan, follow through and stay focused, the chance of succeeding will be higher. There are a multitude of papers, articles and books written on this topic for a reason. This statement comes to mind:
Planning is mandatory for business success. Fail to plan and plan to fail. This article has some great detail on the topic. With planning in your mindset everything you do in life and business will be more productive.

Passion is self explanatory. There is a direct correlation between effort and passion. If you are passionate about something, the effort you apply to it is greater. Without passion a person just goes through the motions. A passionate mindset is magnetic and it resonates.

Networking and engaging will increase the amount of contacts you make. The more contacts you create the larger your team will be. Exposing your valuable self and your valuable message to more people will build your business. A networking/engaging mindset will accelerate your business success.

Choices is interesting. I put choices in the list of important values of a successful mindset because I believe a successful mindset is aware always that we do have choices. Successful people talk about the choices they have made, even the choice to be successful. Choose to learn, choose to succeed and take action. Choose to have the mindset required to succeed. People that do not succeed often think they do not have choices.

Engage with me here in the comments!

Tell me what you would add to this list of important values of a mindset that will help you succeed.

Let me know if you agree or disagree with what I have shared about the values of a business mindset...I look forward to it.


Thursday, 9 August 2012


Inspiration is always right in front of us if we are open to it!

‎"Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you think you are, and smarter than you think." ~Christopher Robin to Pooh

Simply stated we have more success within us than we are aware of.

Rob Fore mentions in a recent post that our "set back" experiences steal our dreams. As I reflect on that statement the realisation of how true that really is gives me a bit of a "aha" moment. He is so accurate as he speaks of how we let our failures or set backs caution us with our our dreams. We stop dreaming "big".

We need to allow ourselves to dream big. To succeed we need to dream. #Dare2Dream has become my aspiration, not just a regular hash tag I put everywhere that it makes sense (and some places that it doesn't). I am putting my dreams into my daily routine by allowing them to be a part of my daily routine.

My dreams are my inspiration

Simple and powerful words from quotes help me to fuel that same inspiration. If we believe the words, if we believe in our dreams it makes them possible. The inspiration is always right in front of us if we are open to it!

Give yourself permission to dream. Write your dream/dreams down on paper. Picture your dreams so clearly with such detail that you can hear, smell, feel and see your dream. Let your dreams be your inspiration and believe in yourself  and your dreams!

I thank Rob Fore for being my inspiration in many ways as I blaze my path to success and for the simple inspiration for this post. 

If I have inspired you at all...leave me your feedback and share so that someone else may be inspired as well.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

RSS Feed Basics

What is a RSS Feed?

You probably have seen this three-letter acronym in the course of your internet surfing.
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary; syndicating means republishing an article that comes from another source such as a website.

An RSS feed is the articles of one site put together into one feed, one document found at the URL.

An RSS feed is a means of publicizing updates about websites. It may or may not include a summary and photos of the latest posting. But those that provide summaries (thus Rich Site Summary) allow users to skim through the article so that they could decide later on if they want to access the website source. The RSS feed usually contains the title of the update originating from the website. It is also usually the link to the website source.

What are the benefits of RSS feeds?

RSS gives benefits to both readers (users) and web publishers.
1. It gives you the latest updates.
Whether it is about the weather, new music, software upgrade, local news, or a new posting from a rarely-updates site learn about the latest as soon as it comes out.
2. It saves on surfing time.
Since an RSS feed provides a summary of the related article, it saves the user's time by helping s/he decide on which items to prioritize when reading or browsing the net.
3. It gives the power of subscription to the user.
Users are given a free-hand on which websites to subscribe in their RSS aggregators which they can change at any time they decide differently.
4. It lessens the clutter in your inbox.
Although your email address will be required to enjoy the services of online RSS aggregators, RSS does not use your email address to send the updates.
5. It is spam free.
Unlike email subscriptions, RSS feeds do not make use of your email address to send updates thus your privacy is kept safe from spam mails.
6. Unsubscribing is hassle-free.
Unlike email subscriptions where the user is asked questions on why s/he is unsubscribing and then the user would be asked to confirm unsubscribing, all you have to do is to delete the RSS feed from your aggregator.
7. It can be used as an advertising or marketing tool.
Users who subscribe or syndicate product websites receive the latest news on products and services without the website sending spam mail. This is advantageous to both the web user and the website owner since advertising becomes targeted; those who are actually interested in their products are kept posted.

What are the drawbacks of RSS feeds?

The disadvantages of RSS feeds use are brought about by its being a newer technology and some user-preference concerns. Although it has been around for long enough that more people are getting used to it.
1. Some users prefer receiving email updates over an RSS feed.
2. Graphics and photos do not appear in all RSS feeds.
For conciseness and ease of publication, RSS feeds do not display the photos from the original site in announcing the update except for some web-based aggregators
3. The identity of the source website can be confusing.
Since RSS feeds do not display the actual URL or name of the website, it can sometimes get confusing on what feed a user is actually reading.
4. Publishers cannot determine how many users are subscribed to their feed and the frequency of their visits. Moreover, they would not know the reasons why users unsubscribe which could be important in improving their advertising.
5. RSS feeds create higher traffic and demands on the server.
Some readers still prefer the whole update over a brief summary of the entry, thus they still access the site.
6. Since it is a newer technology, many sites still do not support RSS feeds although once again that is really changing recently.

How do I start using RSS feed?

There are two things needed: an RSS feed and an RSS aggregator or reader. The RSS feed comes from an RSS-supported website. There are also websites that provide a list of RSS feeds of different websites. An RSS aggregator is used to read the RSS feed from the source website. It scans and collects data on latest RSS feeds from the worldwide web.
An aggregator comes in two forms: a downloadable program also known as desktop aggregator and an online or web-based aggregator. Downloadable aggregators may require payment before they can be acquired, while internet-based aggregators are usually free of charge. All you need to do is to register an account then you are ready to use their services. Both versions allow you to customize or choose which RSS feeds to enter. Paid aggregators are usually chosen by more experienced users and they usually allow more freedom in customizing feeds.
1. Choose an RSS aggregator to use. For beginners, web-based aggregators are recommended since they are usually user-friendly
2. Scan the homepage of your target website for the RSS or XML button. It contains the RSS code you need to enter in the aggregator. Copy this code. Syndic8 provides a directory of websites that support RSS.
3. Paste the code (which contains the URL of the website) in your aggregator. There is a space provided for pasting the code.
After you have done these three easy steps, you can start reading the RSS feeds coming from the website. New postings appear as they are published real time at the source website.

RSS Feeds and Marketing

The original idea of RSS came from Netscape, where their intention is to provide a means for users to customize their personal homepage to contain links to websites that interest them, similar to bookmarking websites.
The application of RSS to internet marketing was an unforeseen development to RSS technology developers. Since users are given the freedom to add RSS feeds to their aggregators, those who are interested in particular products and services available in the internet can now be notified real time. Marketing becomes more specific to interested people and not a hit-and-miss operation.
Those who intend to use RSS  and RSS feeds for marketing their products and services should consider linking up with email account providers, (e.g. Yahoo, MSN, Google mail); networking websites (e.g. Friendster, Multiply, My Space, Hi5); websites of newspapers and television network websites (e.g. New York Times, CNN) for medium to big-scale companies. Small-time industries can also look into networking websites as well as personal blog websites (e.g. Blogspot) and websites of clubs and organizations that would probably make use of their products or services e.g. a fishing supplies store can look for the website of their local fishing club for possible RSS marketing.
Clearly, RSS is an innovation in information management in the worldwide web as well as online marketing. As the technology has increased, the use of RSS feeds has increased and in is more popular.

Submitting Your RSS feed

I found a valuable list of sites to submit your RRS feed to. Robin updates this list regularly.

These RSS feed basics should get you started with utilizing RSS feeds to keep your
readers updated with your content. Apply these concepts, click the links and learn more
about RSS feed basics. You can increase your traffic substantially by submitting your
 RSS feeds.

Bookmark this site and
refer back to it.
 Visit the original article by clicking here

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Tips To Get You Started In Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing Can Open The Door For Your Business

Interact To Connect

Always respond to questions and comments on your social media pages. Once or twice daily, check your profiles, and respond to these questions and comments as needed. You might also opt-in to daily or individual notifications, which can be sent to your inbox each time someone posts a comment or question. It is important to realize that your response to comments can be seen by everyone.

Learn From Others

If you search a competetors site you can see how they have set up their social media marketing page. Discover what is helping their success and what is not working. Once you do, take advantage of the things you've learned, and use them to take your business to new heights.

Combine Your Other Advertising Efforts

Try combining social media marketing with email marketing. Add a link to your Facebook and Twitter profile in the signature of the emails you send and let people know they can use these sites to ask questions. Another thing you can do is encourage visitors to subscribe to your newsletter.

Encourage Feedback

On your site or your Facebook profile, you can create an accessible review page By using a tool like this, your followers can write their own reviews about your site and services. You will be able to edit these reviews and remove the ones you do not like. It's easy to encourage users to add reviews by offering a contest or implementing some other promotion.

Be Real

Take advantage of the profile function on Facebook. Also, be sure to acknowledge everyone who comments on your page. Quickly respond to inquiries or questions and have conversations with those who post. Your customers will feel more connected to your company if you respond promptly to their concerns.

Post Frequently

Make sure not to neglect postings and updating frequently. Offer visitors something interesting to anticipate and something on which they can rely. Make a posting schedule, or use a company that will post for you in specific time intervals. That way, you will stay on your readers' radars.

Utilize Products and Resources available

You can amp up your marketing plan without having to rely on banner ads and articles that aren't any good. All sorts of media which entertains people can be used to attract a big audience in very quick order. As a business owner, you are responsible for supplying excellent products and services. Nonetheless, you can increase your success by following these tips. Offer value and keep your reader's attention.
For more on marketing with social media visit--What Everyone Needs To Know About Marketing With Social Media

Join me and Build on Your Dream:

Contact me on Skype: suzchat1
if you have any questions about Empower Network

if you found value in this content share

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Mindset of Success

Live your life on purpose….Make a plan and take action. Own the results of your actions.
A leading expert in motivation and personality psychology, Carol Dweck has discovered in more than twenty years of research that our mindset is not a minor personality quirk: it creates our whole mental world. It explains how we become optimistic or pessimistic. It shapes our goals, our attitude toward work and relationships, and how we raise our kids, ultimately predicting whether or not we will fulfill our potential.

Change your mindset and you will change your life!

This book is a great read with incredibly valuable guidance and explanation on the power of a positive 

You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of. You don't have charge of the constellations, but you do have charge of whether you read, develop new skills, and take new classes.~Jim Rohn

continue reading full article...

Friday, 15 June 2012

First Empower Network Event Has Left Me Empowered

The Don't Be A Wussy Event in Atlanta was a profound experience. The Founders
and leaders over delivered in content and value. The energy was palpable! I will always remember the weekend of June 8-10, 2012. The first Empower Network event has empowered me!

Think and Grow Rich wrote: “The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.”

Think and Grow Rich wrote: “I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my choice of attitude. It is more important than my past, my education, my bankroll, my successes or failures, fame or pain, what other people think of me or say about me, my circumstances, or my position. Attitude keeps me going or cripples my progress. It alone fuels my fire or assaults my hope. When my attitudes are right, there is no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge too great for me.”

The message that was delivered during this weekend was honest and authentic! The business is honest and authentic. The philosophy of the leaders in Empower Network is “you have to give to get”. It is that philosophy of the leaders and a personal positive mindset that will complete the equation of success. Put the two quotes above together with the vehicle of Empower Network and success is inevitable!

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Posted via MySocialBlend
"The single most important decision you can make is choice of attitude"

Posted via MySocialBlend

The Event in Atlanta was crazy and Empowering!

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Profound Experience at the First Empower Network Event

I have had the privilege of being a part of history by attending the first Empower Network Event: Don't Be A Wussy 2012
Don't Be A Wussy Event 2012

On many levels I am proud of myself.......
the odds were against me going and I just kept my focus.
The event was at the Omni Hotel in the CNN building in Atlanta, Georgia ~ June 8-10th....and it was a profound, life changing weekend for me and many others.
1200 people from all over the world came to this event full of anticipation.  There were people from Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, Hong Kong, Mexico, Canada and people throughout United States.

A Room Full Of Empowered People

Everyone that I met, connected with and saw was full of energy and incredibly positive.
I have been to many Nursing and Healthcare events, but nothing of this caliber. It was profound and powerful beyond measure.

David Wood and David Sharpe delivered a tremendous amount of content. They shared humour, steps and techniques to succeed as well as personal stories ~ all of which were incredibly inspiring.

Many of the successful leaders spoke on the same level. They shared their personal story, how and why they are succeeding. The energy in the room was unbelievable and radiated throughout.

A few of the topics discussed:
  • Make 100% commissions
  • Scientific plan to make at least $10,000 in the next 103 days
  • Mindset switch-getting rid of all your hangups and baggage
  • Community of people where 95% of the people are making money regardless of race, gender, age, or background
  • Building relationships and networking with like-minded people
  • Reignite your dream
  • People genuinely care about your success
  • Team leaders willing to help other team members

Don't Be A Wussy was a members only event

we were required to sign a NDA-(non-disclosure agreement)

Don't Be A Wussy was a non-cross recruiting event

We were not allowed to invite others to other business ventures. This made the event about Empower Network only. It also encouraged more networking with each other. There was a comfort in connecting with each other as no one was afraid of being prospected into other businesses.

Don't Be A Wussy had a Commission Countdown

Something that has never been done before in this industry is a commission countdown. David Sharpe led this powerful moment. It started with people who had made over $200,000 since November 2011. It ended with the brand new people who had made $25. Once the countdown reached the hundreds everyone was chanting "STAY IN THE GAME". Everyone was supported. Everyone was included. Everyone was considered valuable. The first ever "commission countdown" was just one of the many powerful moments of the event, but possibly THE most powerful. What an experience to take in!

The Power Of Empower Network

Even without studying the power of water we all know that is one of the most powerful resources we have. I liken the power of Empower Network to the power of water. It is a powerful group of people led by powerful leaders full of powerful resources. That is powerful!

The event was both profound and powerful!

The founders, David Wood and David Sharpe along with many of the successful leaders did not just speak at the event. After the organized part of the event they connected individually with many or all of us. They were available and shared with us for hours into the wee hours of the morning.
At any given time, walking through the hotel between and after the scheduled parts of the event you would find people connecting and sharing tips, techniques and marketing ideas. The masterminding was energetic and productive.

David Sharpe with me!

My awesome sponsor and inspiring leader ~ Tony Rush
Tony regularly has team calls sharing value and over delivering. His speech at the event was incredible.

The Cynthia SocialCowgirl and me :)

Lawrence Tam and I

Dave and Dave specifically want to help Empower Women

David Wood and David Sharpe have stated that they want to see women succeed just as much as men in this market. That's powerful in itself. These men are amazing, a little crazy and passionate beyond belief!

For some proof take a look at my sponsor and his beautiful wife posing with a cheque showing the commission that he has made since November 2011....
Empower Network pays 100% Commissions

For full income disclosure that is updated in real time click on the picture of Tony Rush's cheque.

The next event will be September 21, 22 and 23 in San Diego, CA


Empower Network Event "Fight The Forces of Evil"

If you want to succeed you need to join this powerful platform and group of people.
Join Empower Network and get to the next event.

Meet these gurus......and work with me....enjoy SUCCESS

 David Wood and David Sharpe

Empowered Gurus

I have been watching live streams and on calls with David Wood and David Sharpe many times over the last few months...but the real magic happened at this event! The energy that was created with them on stage and off was magical. When they greet you with hand shakes and hugs, it makes you feel empowered. All of the leaders that I met and heard shared profound energy and true transperency.

Rob Fore's speech was brilliant and life changing. It was a game changer. He talked about mindset switch-to get rid of hang ups and emotional baggage that is preventing us from succeeding. It was one of the most profound parts of the event for me personally. He is a tremendous gentleman.
Rob Fore and Me (with a goofy smile :D)

Just get in on this movement and experience the magic...
Get a little crazy or a lot crazy and change your life!!

 Leave me a comment if you want more information:)

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Problogging: Making Money From Blogs


A weblog (or simply blog) really is a website that 'publishes' or features articles (which are called 'blog posts', 'posts', or 'entries'), put together by an individual potentially a group which make by using any or perhaps a mixture of these following:

  • Straight texts
  • Photographs or images (photoblog)
  • Video (videoblog)
  • Audio files (audioblog)
  • Hyperlinks

Usually presented and arranged in reverse chronological order, blogs are essentially aimed at these fundamental purposes:

  • Online journal or a web diary
  • Content managament system
  • Online publishing platform

A typical blog has got the following components:

  • Post date -the date and time of the blog entry
  • Category - the category which the blog belongs to
  • Title - the title of your blog
  • Main body - the principle content of the blog
  • RSS and trackback - links the blog back from different sites
  • Comments - commentaries which are added by readers
  • Permalinks - the URL of the full article
  • Other optional items - calendar, archives, blogrolls, and add-ons or plug-ins

A blog might also have access to a footer, usually available at the bottom of your blog, that shows your post date, the author, the category, as well as the 'stats' (the number of comments or trackbacks).

There are a great number of varieties of blogs. Some of them are classified as the following:

1. Political blog - on news, politics, activism, as well as other issue based blogs (which include campaigning).
2. Personal blog - also referred to as online diary that could include an individual's day-to-day experience, complaints, poems, and illicit thoughts, and communications between friends.
3. Topical blog - with focus either on any particular niche (function or position) that's usually technical in nature or a local information.
4. Health blog - on specific health complications. Medical blog is truly a major type of health blog that features medical news from health care professionals and/or actual patient cases.
5. Literary blog - also known as litblog.
6. Travel blog - with focus on a traveler's stories when on a particular journey.
7. Research blog - on academic issues which can include research notes.
8. Legal blog - on law (technical areas) and legal affairs; also called 'blawgs'.
9. Media blog - focus on falsehoods or inconsistencies in mass media; usually exclusive for a newspaper or a television network.
10. Religious blog - on religious topics
11. Educational blog - on educational applications, usually written by students and teachers.
12. Collaborative or collective blog - a specific topic written by a group of people.
13. Directory blog - contains a collection of numerous internet sites.
14. Business blog - used by entrepreneurs and company employees to advertise their businesses or present about what they do.
15. Personification blog - concentrate on non-human being or objects (for instance dogs).
16. Spam blogs - used for promoting affiliated websites; also called 'splogs'.

Blogging is often done on a regular (almost daily) basis. The term "blogging" refers to the act of authoring, maintaining, or adding an article to an existing blog, while the term "blogger" refers to someone or a group who keeps a blog. Today, more than 3 million blogs are able to be found in the web. This figure is continuously growing, given that the accessibility to various blog software, tools, along with applications make it less complicated for nearly anybody to update or keep up with the blog (even those with little or no technical background). 

Because of this trend, bloggers can now be categorised into 4 main types:

Personal bloggers - those who focus on a diary or on any topic that any individual feels strongly about.
Business bloggers - those who focus on promoting products and services.
Organizational bloggers - people who concentrate on internal or external communication in an organization as well as community.
Professional bloggers - those people who are hired or paid to accomplish blogging.

Problogging (professional blogging) is blogging for a profit. Probloggers (professional bloggers) are people who make income using blogging (as an individual blog publisher or a hired blogger).

Below are just a couple of the many money-making opportunities for probloggers:

  • Advertising programs
  • RSS advertising
  • Sponsorship
  • Affiliate products and programs
  • Digital assets
  • Blog network writing gigs
  • Business blog writing gigs
  • Non blogging writing gigs
  • Donations
  • Flipping blogs
  • Merchandising
  • Consulting and speaking

The following are a few things which you need to take into account if you want to make a success in problogging:

1. Have patience. Problogging requires a lot of effort and time, not to mention a long-term vision.
2. Know your audience. Targeting a particular audience or group is definitely a key to constructing a readership.
3. Be an 'expert'. Focus on a specific niche topic and strive to become the "go-to" blogger regarding that topic.
4. Diversify. Research various ad and affiliate marketing programs that enable you to make money on the internet (aside from blogging).
5. Do not bore your readers

Concentrate on the layout. White spaces, line spacings, and bigger fonts make a blog welcoming to read.Certainly, it is possible to make money from blogs. 

One just must take risks, the passion, and also the right attitude so as to turn into successful problogger.

Empower Network is one of the opportunities that you join a group of people not just a business  opp. It is a dynamic group of people that work together syndicating each other's content. People gather in groups and mastermind about traffic generation, lead generation, creating quality content and the list goes on. The training in Empower Network does not stop at the products that are already available. It continues daily amongst the members, weekly on the Empower Hour calls and then there are frequently extra live stream video sessions with David Wood and sometimes David Sharpe.

Join Empower Network