I have had the privilege of being a part of history by attending the first Empower Network Event: Don't Be A Wussy 2012

- Don't Be A Wussy Event 2012
On many levels I am proud of myself.......
the odds were against me going and I just kept my focus.
The event was at the Omni Hotel in the CNN building in Atlanta, Georgia ~ June 8-10th....and it was a profound, life changing weekend for me and many others.
1200 people from all over the world came to this event full of anticipation. There were people from Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, Hong Kong, Mexico, Canada and people throughout United States.

- A Room Full Of Empowered People
Everyone that I met, connected with and saw was full of energy and incredibly positive.
I have been to many Nursing and Healthcare events, but nothing of this caliber. It was profound and powerful beyond measure.
David Wood and David Sharpe delivered a tremendous amount of content. They shared humour, steps and techniques to succeed as well as personal stories ~ all of which were incredibly inspiring.
Many of the successful leaders spoke on the same level. They shared their personal story, how and why they are succeeding. The energy in the room was unbelievable and radiated throughout.
A few of the topics discussed:
- Make 100% commissions
- Scientific plan to make at least $10,000 in the next 103 days
- Mindset switch-getting rid of all your hangups and baggage
- Community of people where 95% of the people are making money regardless of race, gender, age, or background
- Building relationships and networking with like-minded people
- Reignite your dream
- People genuinely care about your success
- Team leaders willing to help other team members
Don't Be A Wussy was a members only event
we were required to sign a NDA-(non-disclosure agreement)
Don't Be A Wussy was a non-cross recruiting event
We were not allowed to invite others to other business ventures. This made the event about Empower Network only. It also encouraged more networking with each other. There was a comfort in connecting with each other as no one was afraid of being prospected into other businesses.
Don't Be A Wussy had a Commission Countdown
Something that has never been done before in this industry is a commission countdown. David Sharpe led this powerful moment. It started with people who had made over $200,000 since November 2011. It ended with the brand new people who had made $25. Once the countdown reached the hundreds everyone was chanting "STAY IN THE GAME". Everyone was supported. Everyone was included. Everyone was considered valuable. The first ever "commission countdown" was just one of the many powerful moments of the event, but possibly THE most powerful. What an experience to take in!

- The Power Of Empower Network
Even without studying the power of water we all know that is one of the most powerful resources we have. I liken the power of Empower Network to the power of water. It is a powerful group of people led by powerful leaders full of powerful resources. That is powerful!
The event was both profound and powerful!
The founders, David Wood and David Sharpe along with many of the successful leaders did not just speak at the event. After the organized part of the event they connected individually with many or all of us. They were available and shared with us for hours into the wee hours of the morning.
At any given time, walking through the hotel between and after the scheduled parts of the event you would find people connecting and sharing tips, techniques and marketing ideas. The masterminding was energetic and productive.

- David Sharpe with me!

- My awesome sponsor and inspiring leader ~ Tony Rush
Tony regularly has team calls sharing value and over delivering. His speech at the event was incredible.

- The Cynthia SocialCowgirl and me :)

- Lawrence Tam and I

- Dave and Dave specifically want to help Empower Women
David Wood and David Sharpe have stated that they want to see women succeed just as much as men in this market. That's powerful in itself. These men are amazing, a little crazy and passionate beyond belief!
For some proof take a look at my sponsor and his beautiful wife posing with a cheque showing the commission that he has made since November 2011....

- Empower Network pays 100% Commissions
For full income disclosure that is updated in real time click on the picture of Tony Rush's cheque.
The next event will be September 21, 22 and 23 in San Diego, CA

- Empower Network Event "Fight The Forces of Evil"
If you want to succeed you need to join this powerful platform and group of people.
Meet these gurus......and work with me....enjoy SUCCESS
David Wood and David Sharpe

- Empowered Gurus
I have been watching live streams and on calls with David Wood and David Sharpe many times over the last few months...but the real magic happened at this event! The energy that was created with them on stage and off was magical. When they greet you with hand shakes and hugs, it makes you feel empowered. All of the leaders that I met and heard shared profound energy and true transperency.
Rob Fore's speech was brilliant and life changing. It was a game changer. He talked about mindset switch-to get rid of hang ups and emotional baggage that is preventing us from succeeding. It was one of the most profound parts of the event for me personally. He is a tremendous gentleman.

- Rob Fore and Me (with a goofy smile :D)
Just get in on this movement and experience the magic...
Get a little crazy or a lot crazy and change your life!!
Leave me a comment if you want more information:)