I recently updated a post that I wrote about business mindset...
titled Proper Mindset For Building a Network Marketing Business. When I discuss mindset in articles and posts I direct towards personal or business. Realistically mindset is just as important in both. To succeed in business and life our mindset either opens or closes the door. Our mindset is one the most significant determining factors affecting the path to success. It can smooth or roughen the path.
A positive mindset is powerful.
Although, just being positive is not enough. There are a few other values that need to be in place.
- knowledge
- focus
- team building
- product knowledge
- planning
- passion
- networking
- choices
The list above are the topics that I provided more detail about in the Proper Mindset For Building a Network Marketing Business post. There is a reason for those titles...let me see if I can mingle some words together to make my point. Bare with me as writing is NOT one of my strengths, communication is :)
Here goes:
Knowledge is an asset with unlimited value. Increasing our knowledge improves our personal value. By improving our personal value we improve the chances of people choosing to be around us, join us, admire us and the list goes on. Essentially the phrase knowledge is power is true. We become magnetic when we have value to offer in life and business.
Focus is what gets tasks done, missions accomplished and keeps the plan on track. There needs to be focus at the micro level and focus on the whole picture. I am a list maker. I make lists for the day, week, month, year and a master list of big dreams and goals. The lists are my way of keeping focus. Re-evaluating can be done easier if what I am focusing on is documented. Our mind can distort and change our focus easily by attaching emotion. That is my theory behind lists. They create a visual, therefore help maintain intended focus.
Team building can be applied to daily life or business. The team idea is who you surround yourself with. The people you choose to surround yourself with will affect your mindset more than often realised. For discussion purpose again I will refer to my practise.
I can not choose my family, but I can choose what amount I allow my family to affect me. If they are being negative, I have tricks so to speak on not letting it change my mindset. That sentence just gave me an idea for a new article, so I wrote it down. Watch for that article...it's going to be great!
Your friends are a team. Build your team of friends mindful of what kind of influence they will have on you. Surround yourself with like minded people, positive people. I have a few different groups of friends that each have different focuses. For example there is a group of friends that I made through my nursing education, then different ones through my nursing career. I still keep in touch with them although not as much since I have not been able to work for 7 years now. Then there is my team of friends that I have created through soccer. With 2 kids in the sport, managing teams, being on the club board and involved with the coordination of the higher level training club I connect with many people. Those that fit criteria of who I would choose to have on my team I work on building relationships with. The same goes for networking in business. Whether it is people that join my team specifically or people I connect with within the community. I always view it as team building, making a conscious decision of who to build a relationship with. To summarise this long winded point every aspect of our lives we have opportunity to connect with people. Thinking about it in a team building way might help you to consciously decide who is good for you to spend time with.
Product knowledge is important for the same reason as knowledge. I separated the two for the purpose of pointing out the importance of having specific knowledge of the products you are working with or selling. It goes with being able to offer value, being magnetic. Knowing what you are selling, what you are talking about will increase the building of your team. Showing your knowledge of the product builds trust. I found that evident in other aspects of my life as well. In nursing people chose to surround themselves with me because I never stopped learning. I was magnetic in nursing because I was not one of those nurses that just went to work did the job and went home. I was always reading medical (not nursing) text books and journals. If I did not understand a patients diagnosis, I read about it. If a procedure was being done that I had not read about, I read about it. In soccer, the players and parents trusted my judgement because I demonstrated knowledge of what was going on. I would learn about the training that was being offered, the tournament rules etc. Know what you are working with. Your mindset will be directly affected by your knowledge. In business, I like to have a sound knowledge of any product or service that I offer or am involved in. Having product knowledge creates integrity. Be real, if you do not know how to answer a question about a product say so. Then you can either do your research in order to answer their question or direct them to where to find their answer.
Planning is so valuable. If you have planning in your mindset you will be more effective at anything you do. Not every single thing you do requires planning, although success is correlated with planning. When you create a plan, follow through and stay focused, the chance of succeeding will be higher. There are a multitude of papers, articles and books written on this topic for a reason. This statement comes to mind:
Planning is mandatory for business success. Fail to plan and plan to fail. This article has some great detail on the topic. With planning in your mindset everything you do in life and business will be more productive.
Passion is self explanatory. There is a direct correlation between effort and passion. If you are passionate about something, the effort you apply to it is greater. Without passion a person just goes through the motions. A passionate mindset is magnetic and it resonates.
Networking and engaging will increase the amount of contacts you make. The more contacts you create the larger your team will be. Exposing your valuable self and your valuable message to more people will build your business. A networking/engaging mindset will accelerate your business success.
Choices is interesting. I put choices in the list of important values of a successful mindset because I believe a successful mindset is aware always that we do have choices. Successful people talk about the choices they have made, even the choice to be successful. Choose to learn, choose to succeed and take action. Choose to have the mindset required to succeed. People that do not succeed often think they do not have choices.
Engage with me here in the comments!
Tell me what you would add to this list of important values of a mindset that will help you succeed.
Let me know if you agree or disagree with what I have shared about the values of a business mindset...I look forward to it.