Saturday, 28 December 2013

Goal Setting To Success

Success Requires Goal Setting 

IF you desire to own your life and own your time...
goal setting is essential and crucial.

It will not matter how hard you work, how smart you are or how passionate you feel if you do not set goals. If you are not aware of your intended destination your journey will be unpredictable and possibly unproductive. 

Success requires goal setting.


Goal setting creates vision, long term and short term. It triggers motivation. Goal setting helps you focus your knowledge acquisition and organize time, resources so that you can make the most of your life.

Clearly defined, articulated goals that are achievable as well as challenging will raise your self confidence.They will increase your motivation, help you realize your knowledge, ability, strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately goal setting will improve all aspects of your life when done well with clarity and intention.


Spend some time brainstorming on who you are, where you are and who you want to become, where you want to go in life. Even a vague vision of your lifetime goal will help you start. Everyone starts somewhere. As the process is set into action, each step and goal can be clarified, defined and set. Choose a starting point and work form there.

Effective goal are S.M.A.R.T goals. 

  • Specific or Significant
  • Measurable or Meaningful
  • Attainable or Action-oriented
  • Relevant or Rewarding
  • Trackable or Time bound  


  • must be written down
  • positive and powerful language in a present tense statement 
  • precise, clear
  • congruent with self
  • ask the question "... and then what?" as well as "why?" 
  • put time, energy, and passion into your goal setting 
  • allow flexibility to accommodate to changing circumstances 

In the video below, you will discover tremendous value on the Mindset of Effective Goal Setting


then, in this Hangout "Mechanics Of Effective Goal Setting" is discussed. 


For goal setting to success in life and business to be effective a systematic process is important. Something that all leaders, effective people and successful people have in common is they are effective goal setters. Change, progress and success are all initiated with goals, motivation and passion.

Related articles:

Personal Goal Setting
Effective Goal Setting
Face Fear, Stop Allowing It To Steal Your Dreams

What is your process for goal setting?

Has this article resonated with you and how?

Design your life. BE the best version of YOU. 

Friday, 6 December 2013

21 Tips For Effective Social Media Marketing Strategies

Apply these 21 Rules for effective Social media Marketing Strategy

discover the increased reach and consumption of your content

effective social media marketing strategy 

To get a great full size view of the infographic jump over to the source 

1. no shortcut
2. contribute
3. position yourself to be an expert
4. meaningful conversation
5. activity with productivity
6. Quality over quantity
7. avoid spamming
8. keep it real
9. conversation is a 2 way street
10. connection doesn't imply permission
11. access doesn't equal entitlement
12. adaptability is essential
13. accomplishment
14. engagement and enrichment
15. use images and multimedia
16. always follow up with connections
17. mind your manners
18. patience is crucial
19. don't be an obsessive joiner
20. better to be a blogger
21. have fun

The list seems simple... yet it would be valuable to really take some time to evaluate if each one of the rules are a part of your Social Media Marketing Strategy 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

SEO Article Collection To Take Note Of

Keeping up with SEO really isn't difficult once you find reliable resources.

Google+ is overflowing with quality compelling content. One of things I love about Google+ is that people love plussing and sharing content they like or find valuable.

Massive collections of content can be found in communities. Then people like Emmett Smith will gather collections like Best Of The Best.

Here is the recent article I read .... Best SEO Articles Of November

Be sure to hit that link and read through the article. Emmett talks about how Google+ does indeed impact SEO, which I have found evidence of repeatedly. I silently chuckle when people debate it :)

Page rank also flows through Google+

Your activity on Google+ causes incredible and valuable ripples...

If a user has the 1+ activated on their profile, you even get a backlink to your profile... love it!

Make sure you visit the article, as well as the articles Emmett has referenced. Connect with me on Google+ and let's get social. I am very much increasing my video presence, you can check my channels out if you like. I will list them below.

I believe in and very much enjoy the Human Media Movement in the digital Marketing world. Much of my content has been focused on the topic in the last year.

Susan aka Zolemia's Youtube channels:
Marketing For Single Parents - Not limited to Single Parents, focused on video marketing, product reviews and strategies I value and use
Empowered On Purpose - Loaded with value this channel has some Google tips, many Google Hangouts of thought provoking mastermind discussions and speed training Hangouts as well.
My other 2 channels are requiring some livening up therefore will remain unmentioned for now :)

Do connect with me, I am generous with value, edification of your valuable content and enjoying sharing my off the wall, sometimes magical mindset concepts that will get you thinking!

Cheers to you, Google+ and everything social...abundance for all

Thursday, 7 November 2013

You Must Be In The Emotional Transportation Business

Do you make money telling stories?

Emotional transportation works by taking the critical facts, figures and information necessary to validate your value proposition and embed them in an emotional experience such as a purposeful story, interactive exchange or event. This is story telling marketing.

Story telling marketing is not new, by no means. 

There is an evolutional of story telling, creating emotional transportation due to the ongoing increase of video recording and access of video. Another increase is caused by the Google algorithm changes. The recent Google Hummingbird uses semantic search to bring to search query the content that people are looking for more than ever before. This is evaluated by 100s of methods of measuring engagement on content. Quality, compelling content that resonates with people will trigger them to freely like, share and comment. It is this engagement that triggers Google to present said content to even more people...

It is through telling our own story, crafting the story in such a way that we create an emotional transportation for our prospects or potential customers/team members. When they choose to join us rather than simply buying a product, into an opportunity a relationship is created. It is the relationship that is created which will then turn into growth and residual income.

Watch this recording of the Thursday Night Dream Warrior weekly Hangout here 

It is the story that makes otherwise forgettable facts memorable, resonant and actionable. The emotional experience renders something your listeners can more easily hold onto, recall and retell. Most importantly, they don’t just tell your facts and figures, but their emotional experience which pays forward your facts and figures in their own authentic voices, ultimately making them advocates and evangelizers for their and your success. 

People will often forget what you do and what you say ... yet they will always remember HOW you made them Feel. 

For example when I share a piece of my story...

Whether it is the part that I am a single mom of 2 teenagers, homeschooling my 16 year old son and I am building my online business ... another single parent may resonate with that with increasing courage. They may start considering something as an option for them that was previously not an option in their opinion.

Another person may resonate with the part of my story where I was lost without my 15 year critical care nursing career until I found a vehicle to once again help and empower people... saving lives in a whole new way!

Yet another person will resonate with my neck injury, permanent nerve damage that keeps me in bed much of the day. Knowing that I have found a viable option of making money despite my decreased activity tolerance will increase their courage enough to explore their options like never before.

So you see how different parts of your story will resonate with different people.

It is important to learn the skill set of the art of story telling to illicit the desired response, a positive experience. That is just on the other side of my Magic Carpet coaching :)


Realize The Importance Of Your Story, Your Story Matters

Look For The Lesson In The Struggle

You Are Not Alone When You Are In Our Community

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Position With Wake Up Now for Black Friday and Cyber Monday
Are you going to take advantage of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals?
As a team we are looking to help as many people possible to be ready and positioned to not only save money... to make money that keeps coming in every month after.
Email me at
to find out more