Saturday, 25 October 2014

What is Humanizing Digital Marketing | Susan Bachelder

While technology is advancing and increasing our ability to have metrics to measure the engagement on our digital marketing strategies and efforts.... 
as outlined well in this article:

There is still and always will be the need to directly converse with people to know the "effect", or "impact" rather that the content, product or service has on them, their lives, and their business.
Digital Marketing only has the ability to measure a single layer....
Check out this quick discussion on "What Humanizing Digital Marketing is" 


Building Successful Relationships in Business

Building Successful Relationships in Business
°Requires more listening than talking

People want to feel accepted... need to feel accepted, they make better decision when they feel accepted. 

Learn how to listen well, build better relationships.
connect with Susan on Facebook: or email:

Successful Relationships is essential in all areas in life. Business is no exception to this fact. To shift from opportunity seeker to entrepreneur this is one of the areas that needs attention and skill. 

The more we know about our team, colleagues and mentors, leaders... the better we can work together. United, group collaboration requires active listening. 

Subscribe to the channel to stay in touch, receive value as it is published and collaborate with what I am doing. 

Your feedback is appreciated. 

Related videos: 

How To Trigger Massive Change | Fixing the Broken Link

Building Successful Relationships in Business

Embrace the Chaos

Saturday, 11 October 2014

My Napkin Speech | Video Marketing on Purpose

Video Marketing on Purpose | My Napkin Speech

Facing fears, pushing ourselves to achieve goals and break through barriers is what creates growth. 
Stepping up on stage was pushing past a personal boundary for me, facing a fear and achieving a goal.

Friday, 10 October 2014