Wednesday, 8 April 2015

The Power of True Deep Gratitude

The Power of True Deep Gratitude

Choose to live a creative with deep gratitude for the magic in each moment. Do Not get wrapped up in results, rather the journey and care you provide to yourself and others.

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Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Story Time with Team Tammy | Susan Bachelder

Story Time with Team Tammy | Susan Bachelder 

You are not alone

~somebody somewhere has had a similar situation, tragedy, adversity, challenge….. or is having

~they need to hear your story, so they know they are also, not alone

There is not one life path that is the same as another life path. 

We each need to take pieces from each story we hear. 

For that reason, many stories will touch us at different times in different ways.

The focus here in this note... is on the story!!

 Your story is valuable, your story matters 

A lady I admire very much is Team Tammy shared her story. 

How she went from $0 ... to ..... 6 figures online in her 1st year!! 

She faced her obstacles, her challenges and is here to tell you why and how!!

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